Friday, April 15, 2011

Exactly How to Figure Out What Job Is Right For Me?

By Frank Gardiner

The big question most people will have once they go into university or college, what job is right for me? I had the very same question going into, and halfway through the first year. Because I had a reasonable skill with computer systems I thought the logical choice was to go into computer science. Making and fixing computers is one thing, programming them is quite another. I made it through a whole two and a half months in the course before I had to change programs or else I might have had a GPAlower than my blood alcohol content. The rest of the year I was on the lookout for a direction to take so I wouldn't misuse my time and money taking courses I don't need.

I had an approximate idea about what I wanted to perform for a career after university, but I had an even better idea about what I didn't want to do. I didn't really know what kind of program to go into though, and I didn't know what different types of jobs there were after receiving a certain degree or degree. I was privileged to be living in residence where there were heaps of resources to my disposal. In addition to that there were a whole bunch of students experiencing the same thing I was and have made challenging choices before. I talked to my Resident Advisor about the trouble I was having and she highly recommended that I take a career workshop.

A career workshop is a course in which you discover what job field is best for you. These people ask you tons of questions based upon personality, your good and bad points, together with your likes and dislikes. At the end they tally up your scores and it places you into distinctive types that gives you a improved picture of precisely what to do in your future. When I took it I obtained 92% in the entrepreneur category. The instructors even had a page full of example employment opportunities in each particular field, and after going through the entrepreneur category I realized I liked all those job possibilities. Thus once I pointed out that entrepreneurship or business was suitable for me, only a couple of faculties stood out so I transferred into a business degree and I couldn't be more happy.

With out the workshop I wouldn't have been capable to find out which path was suitable for me, at least it would have taken me a lot longer. It helped me see my strengths and weaknesses and it taught me to be discover exactly what I was interested in. I always had an idea what it was, but I never could put any words to it. After taking a look online there doesn't appear to be any effective courses that gave me results as good as the ones I received from the in person course. At universities, the course is typically free (paid for by your student union) so I highly recommend everybody to take it if they are confused about their future. If it isn't free it isn't a lot of cash either, and the 2 hours there could help you save time and money.

I am just much more pleased now that I have discovered my career path and I am no longer unsure on what I want to do. I no longer have so much stress and I feel better about the path that i'm taking.

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