Saturday, April 2, 2011

Georgia Has Created Billions In Financial Aid For Their Students

By Michelle Connor

There are a number of states that use its lottery revenues to finance its college grant program. Georgia is one of them. Still, one would be hard pressed to find a state that has gone as far as Georgia has to insure its citizens continue their education within their local borders.

The main grant is the Helping Outstanding Pupils Educationally (or HOPE). The HOPE is automatically awarded to any student who is accepted to a state school. It provides the entire tuition plus an additional $300 for text books. Again, it must be a state school, but it can be any form of accredited institution. Researching scholarships grant will help to prepare you for the challenges college has to offer.

There is also a variant on the HOPE called the GED. This is a straight up $500 voucher that can be used towards a school of choice. The big difference is the student did not graduate with a high school diploma, but got a GED instead. It can also be used to pay for any kind of school, whether it's academic or technical; on campus or online college; even full time or part time.

Interestingly, the state also recognizes that there are other expenses outside of tuition and text books (which also can go way over $300). Advanced education can charge thousands of dollars for additional fees and just plain living expenses. Therefore, the state also has the Leveraging Educational Assistant Partnership (LEAP). To get this additional cash, a student must prove his or her need by filing a FASFA and applying for a Pell Grant, minimum. Still, if accepted, it will award up to an additional $2,000 per year.

The state also recognizes that there are times when it's better for a student to not attend one of its state universities. For them, they created the Tuition Equalization Grant (GTEG). The GTEG varies every year, depending on an annual budget decided up upon by the state legislature. It will grant anywhere up to $900 to $1,600 a year, depending on the state budget. If accepted, the recipient not only can go to a state private university, but also to schools located as far as 50 miles outside the state borders.

Georgia also provides for the dependents of many of its state employees. Two programs they have are the Public Safety Memorial Grant and the Law Enforcement Dependents Program. To qualify for either, one must be the child or dependent of a policeman, fireman, EMT or similar state employee who lost his or her life or was severely injured on the job. Keeping abreast of the latest information about grant for online school may mean quicker success.

There is also the Law Enforcement Dependents Program, which will add another $2,000 an academic year. The state also has a loan forgiveness program or students who want to enter law enforcement and then serve in districts that suffer from extreme safety officer shortages.

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